Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Tit for Tat

It's been 6 years since my last post. I wouldn't be adding a new post if it wasn't for Daewin (aka Robato aka Daewindows aka Boobmendes aka Daeloser aka Daewin-so-must-always-win-win-win). The stupid asshole wanted know if I genuinely only started liking (no homo bro) him after PMR and he ended up on my blog. What a weirdo.

Anywho since all of yall were bitching about my blog, I guess it's only fair that I rant about you assholes on the very same blog.

Asthika - Is a big smelly asshole

Koshla - Being the anal queen, she probably has a big smelly asshole.

Cassie - You didn't have to harp on the only mistake I've made on this blog, I actually meant to say "I'm big-boned and proud." Really hope you die by your 27th birthday weyh cassie

Parvin - Brain damage boy

Shipren- A 6.0 IELTS student who makes fun of a 15 year old's blog. The irony...

Joshua - A nice Christian boy who comes from a good Christian family and raised with a decent         Christian upbringing. I rate 5/5

And last but not least, the man of the hour, Dewindows. Where do I begin? His duck-like voice or the pubic hair growing on his head? Or how about the fact that this guy is uber weird? I guess I could always start with the messed up messages he sends me about Koshla and her shorts. I could go on and on but alas ma'am calls; gotta go study guys.

Peace out niggas

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