Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Galah Panjang

My younger cousins came over today. As usual I played PS2 with Abi until we got bored. His sis on the other was... well i'm not too sure what she was doing. You might think i'm a mean cousin but girls DON'T play FIFA 10.

We wanted to down and play soccer until I realized something... Football was no longer allowed to be played in the condominium ever since one of my screwed up neighbors made a complaint. So we could only play lame old Badminton.

Half way through and Nora akka (my kakak\maid) joins us. Then my cuz suggested we play Galah Panjang. I thought it was some kinda of childish, lame game. Well I was proved otherwise.

The game was just like catching. The only difference everyone is split into 2 teams and the game must either be played in a badminton court or any place with lines. The attacking team would try to go from one end of the court to the other end and all the way back WITHOUT being touched by a member of the defending team.

The Defenders on the other hand have to try and touch\catch the Attackers. Heres the tricky part, the Defenders can only walk on the lines of the court. Meanwhile, the Attackers can run anywhere as long as they run in the court..

Sounds fun, right... but the sad thing is my mom called us back after 20 minutes. Haizz... But it was a good 20 minutes. So the next time you go to a badminton court, think about Galah Panjang or at least think about me :)

Btw, this kid reminds me of me when I was younger

Peace out niggas

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