Saturday, November 14, 2009

SKBD Thriller Nite ( Part 1)

I wanted to post this yesterday but I came home late. So here it is....

Went to my cousins' house yesterday after school. Then out of the blue they tell me that their school is having an event. It was called "Thriller Nite" an since they were performing, I had to follow too.

At 4 o'clock I followed them to do their hair. After about 20 minutes, my aunt tells me to do my hair too. Being a non-metrosexual guy, I declined but ended up getting my hair done.

This lady first washed my hair. At first, it felt kinda nice... She didn't scratch my scalp too hard but it wasn't soft either. Then that woman gets angry after I refuse to turn my head so she scratches my head like there was gold in my there

After that session, this annoying Chinese guys does my hair. Since he was taking his time, I decide to read a magazine. I then flicked to this page with a picture of Jet Li and the hair-dresser keeps on saying " Tat is Chet Lee," with a deep accent.

When he's done, I have a look at my 'new' hair. It looked like CRAP. God only knows what rubbish hair style it was. I tell the guys to make it better and he does something which makes it worse.

At 8, we reached.... Oh wait got to go now. I'll continue later


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