Saturday, December 26, 2009

2 Days Ago

I was supposed to post this 2 days ago but I forgot, so here I go:

I got 7As for PMR.
Now I'm off to Morib

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


I saw Avatar today .........
It may not be movie-of-the-year material but it was an interesting movie. It was basically about people who have avatars like the ones on Yahoo. But you can control these avatars and lead a different life in planet Pandora.

Even saw some lesbians...
who were not hot :( One of them looked even looked like a freaking man... With the stereotype that lesbos and gays are hot, this really came as a shock to me.

We ate in Italianes although I swore I'd never enter that restaurant after the "Kukans Birthday" incident. You know... the one where 8 of us ate there and the bill only came up to 100 bucks. And the one where we refilled Koshla's coke 5 times.

Enough of the flashback, let's talk about today now. I, as usua, tried to be thrifty and ordered a 2-course meal which was cheaper than the normal meals. And for starters, I ordered a pizza which tasted nothing like pizza. Instead, it tasted like crackers layered with a hint of cheese. It was RUBBISH.

Let's zoom forward now till after the movie. We passed by Baskin Robbins and saw Dahlia. She's the Malay girl from my class last year. And she was kind enough to give us a cup filled World Class Chocolate ice-cream (after I forced her). I think I love that girl (for now that is).

Peace out niggas

Sunday, December 20, 2009

I Is Back

Wow its been a long time since I've last posted. And honestly, at times I just didn't want to post. Not that I didn't have time... no no. I just didn't FEEL like it.

But then, I thought of all of my fans (all imaginary of course) and I'm blogging. So, what do I write about? Sports? Politics?

I think I'll just write about the Sudden Attack Grand Competition (SAGC) which we were SUPPOSED to win. It was worse for Gav who wasted 6 hours waiting for a match he never played. Not that we didn't want him to play, he just had to go home early as he had to attend a wedding in Seremban.

Besides Andrew, Bryan, Weng, Parvin, Gav and me, there were 200 other contestants competing in Chronos Cafe. So, obviously it was extremely hot despite the presence of 5 air-conditioners.

There was this hot babe there too who was taken by this shit-bag who kept on kissing her on the cheek like a bloody man-slut. That babe deserves me man.

Anyway, back to the team... After waiting for what seemed 7 hours, we FINALLY got to play. And guess who we played, these pros who were sponsored by Low Yat. They must have been really good because Andrew estimated their mouse-pads to be around 150 bucks.

After an HONOURABLE fight (we were getting our asses kicked), we lost 8-0. Feeling embarrassed, I vowed never to enter that place again. That vow was shortly cancelled when I remembered I left my jacket in that cyber cafe.

I was freaking scared to enter that place that I forced Parvin to follow me in. Why was I scared? Well because some of them wasted their time watching my match. Surprisingly, none of them even gave me a 2nd look which turned out to be worse.

Then, I saw this hot chick wearing my jacket. I thought it wasn't mine but the white smudge on the hoodie confirmed that it was mine. I approached her and asked politely for my brand-new-never-used-before jacket. The babe replied," If you want it, I'm afraid you're just gonna have to take it off me."

Okay, the paragraph above was pure bullshit. I found the jacket on a chair I'd placed it on. I grabbed it and ran as fast as I could to the exit. Then Parv and I hitched a cab home.

Peace out

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sudden Attack Madnes

I remember the times when I'd only touch the computer to update my Facebook. I didn't know a thing about online games let alone first person shooter games.

Nowadays, you can see me play Sudden Attack 6 hours a day. Crazy rite? I mean how did this kid who only Facebooked turn to this guy who is addicted to Sudden Attack?

Nothing but a simple decision tu buy a laptop. Last time ( >2 months ago), I used to have this lame outdated computer. We did try to upgrade it but the RAM could only handle 512mb which is 8 times smaller than my lapotop's.

I could go on and on about my laptop's specs but a lot of people don't understand this language. So, I'll just tell a tale of a Sudden Attack match.

It was a dark Monday on the streets of um.. Dragon Road I guess. After trailing behind 5-8, Bryan, Weng and I were finally even with the enemy. They outnumbered us by one man. Bryan, our leader, led us to the enemy's base. He managed to terminate 2 of them but he was soon overpowered.

The instant he died, Weng avenged him by slaughtering that mercenary. Shortly after that incident, Weng was sniped. I saw the enemy and I rushed him. We were both taking hits but I realized his weapon was better than mine. One shot was all he needed to end my life. One shot and my comrades would have died in vain.

My heart was thumping. My chest beating. I was filled with a mixture of anger and anxiousness. I forced myself to hide behind a pillar. I steadied myself and reloaded my gun. Then, I came out of my hiding spot and shot the enemy continuously. And that's when my heart stoped thumping... I had killed the enemy and avenged my fallen comrades.

Peace out

(PS: parts of this post was exaggerated to make it interesting but I guess you've probably figured that out. But I did kill the last enemy. And we were outnumbered)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Christmas Carol

I Went with a few dudes (not dudes exactly cause there were some girls too :p) to see this A Christmas Carol on Monday. Before the show Yugan, Jag, Divyaa and I went to eat in a Thai shop. Wanted to eat in Chillies but didn't know where it was XD

After that we went to the cinema. We found some natan girls in our seat and one of them refused to leave. Took a few minutes for her to realise I wasn't speaking French.. Haiz.

The movie was great though. I expected it to be lame but it was hilarious. Jim Carey portrayed the cheap and rich Ebenezer Scrooge well. Oh ya, some Malays kids were laughing like hell whenever the word 'celaka' popped up on screen.

After the movie, we went to play pool. Sadly, all the tables were taken and we didn't have the patience to wait. That's when I realized I needed to buy a new T-shirt for my aunt's upcoming birthday.

We went to a few shops but finally ended up in Wild Channel. There, I chose this red and white t-shirt while Yugan said the red and black was better. The girls opinions were asked and they agreed that my choice was waaaaaay better than Yugan's.

I bought the t-shirt for 40 bucks. The lady at the counter didn't want to give me a free gift. Not event a cheap key-chain. So that's when I decided to nick the key-chain. Haha, this is probably my second time stealing in the month.

The arcade was our final destination after a shot at the pool place (again) . And I finally got to play the awesome basketball game. I even played the 'cop' game where you have to actually dodge or bend when you see gangsters.

The laser sensors at the top could detect your every move. Sounds like fun rite? But not for me cause I freakin injured my right knee and now I can barely walk.

And that's the end to this post. Peace out niggas

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Let's begin with some random quotes..

" Jangan hisap dada "
Samy Vellu on Tak Nak campaign. Its supposed to be dadah not dada (tits) man

" Euvan don't sell my Guppy. I've not mated it with its mother yet "
My lil cuz when I wanted to sell her fish in Facebook's Happy Aquarium. Little does she know how wrong her statement is.

Ok, so I went to AMCORP mall today. Bought some books at this really reasonably priced a.k.a. cheap bookshop. There was also this sale where Levis, Billabong, Quiksilver and all these other branded clothes were being sold for less than a 100 bucks. Sadly, I didn't buy anything :(

Oh ya, there's something really weird about the place. 1st of all, there's this Giordano poster with a man putting his hand on a lady's *ehem* *ehem* while clutching it.

And while I was passing the car park, I pressed the ticket button (you know the ones you press when you enter a parking bay). And the funny thing is, the ticket actually came out. Aren't they supposed to come out when a car's weight is detected ? And don't say I'm as heavy as a car, its pretty offensive for big kids like me. Ah who am I kiddding, say all you want about my weight. Because I'm fat and I'm proud of it.

Peace out

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Another Day

Today my cuz got his UPSR results. Every1 in the family made a big hoo-hah about nothing. I mean, getting 5As or 5Bs aint much different: you're still gonna end up in High School just in a different class. But thank god the little guy had 5As. Call me a hypocrite but I prefer 5As over 5Bs any day.

So, we went to Chillies to celebrate. Having eaten lunch at home, I just ordered a Triple Platter. The dish which was a starter was freakin filling. I mean if your gonna put it as a starter, you should reduce the quantity, rite? What ticked me off the most was the waiter who took so long to bring our Molten Chocolate. Sheez

Then went to futsal and gave Parv a ride. My cuz was laughing hysterically about the joke when Parv called Barat Jeeveses. Poor Parv had to see the weird side of my family.

In futsal, Akhil tried to be cool by beeing funny which made him lame. Gav showed his skills by scoring loads of headers. Anisha was a pro goalie. Jon juggled the ball for about 32 times. And Jon's damn good at doing magic tricks, he fooled me about 3 times and would have continued fooling me until Ray revealed the trick

peace out niggas

Monday, November 16, 2009

New Post

Hey, just published a new pos entitled "The 'Awesome' System In My School". I had saved it as a draft last time so when I published it (today) it came out as an old post. So if you wanna check it out, go and see the previous posts

Sunday, November 15, 2009

SKBD Thriller Nite (Part 2)

I think this is where I stopped... At 8 I reached the school. It looked a lot like a carnival because there were stalls all over the place. Some sold drinks, others sold food and trinklets. Maxis had a booth there too to promote the IPHONE 3GS

The pathway to the hall was cool. Neon lights illuminated the way while students dressed up as monsters tried to scare you. The depressing part was when we entered the hall. Everyone had to wait for about 30 minutes as the school was .facing some technical difficulties.

But my God, the intro was superb. Some kids did Thriller and the song was just booming. The lighting was spectacular too. Sadly some of the performances were rather dull.

During the intermission, I went out to get some drinks. Thats when I saw Shamita and Low. She said that she had trained this bunch of girls for a dance. That cocky Shamita named the group THE SHAMS. Gee, I wonder why.

After the intermission, I went back into the hall. Finally, I could see my cousins perform which cheered me. But the organisers were smart, they'd saved the best for last. The Michael Jackson Remembrance thingy.

Lots of kids were moon walking hell. There was even this bunch of young chubby kids who had put on wigs and were lip-singing a Jackson 5 song. It was so cute and adorable. One 8 year girl sang 'Ben' spectacularly.

In the end, about 200 kids went on stage to do a 'Heal The World' dance. What a way to top it all guys. Lots of them (including my cousins) lost their voices.

I went back to my uncle's house to spent the night. Was about to blog too but I was way too sleepy.

Peace out

Saturday, November 14, 2009

SKBD Thriller Nite ( Part 1)

I wanted to post this yesterday but I came home late. So here it is....

Went to my cousins' house yesterday after school. Then out of the blue they tell me that their school is having an event. It was called "Thriller Nite" an since they were performing, I had to follow too.

At 4 o'clock I followed them to do their hair. After about 20 minutes, my aunt tells me to do my hair too. Being a non-metrosexual guy, I declined but ended up getting my hair done.

This lady first washed my hair. At first, it felt kinda nice... She didn't scratch my scalp too hard but it wasn't soft either. Then that woman gets angry after I refuse to turn my head so she scratches my head like there was gold in my there

After that session, this annoying Chinese guys does my hair. Since he was taking his time, I decide to read a magazine. I then flicked to this page with a picture of Jet Li and the hair-dresser keeps on saying " Tat is Chet Lee," with a deep accent.

When he's done, I have a look at my 'new' hair. It looked like CRAP. God only knows what rubbish hair style it was. I tell the guys to make it better and he does something which makes it worse.

At 8, we reached.... Oh wait got to go now. I'll continue later


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Wacky Day At School

Today was probably the randomest day in school. I did lots of stuff I don't usually do.

The day started off with a 1 hour badminton match with Karthik. Then, Darel comes and informs me that we're short of players for the inter-class basketball competition and that my "skills" are needed.

I follow him to the court only to see 20 people playing basketball. On top of that, most of them were Form Fours and only half of the court was being used. The other half was used by some girls who played rounders.

Then this form 4 guy approaches me and Darel and asks us to play rugby. With nothing to do, we joined the guy. He and his friend then explained the rules to me and 3 other guys (including Darel). Soon his other friends joined us.

Since there was 10 of us now, we decided to play at the side of the field (the centre was being used for football). The match was just about to start to start when all of the footballers joined us. What started off as a simple 6 man rugby game soon became a 50 people match.

So, the match was moved to the centre of the field. Then the match started. The first thing I felt (or rather tasted in this case) was a combination salt and milk as I accidentally licked 1 guys tits. Haha, it made me feel homo and happy at the same time.

In the end, we lost 3-4 to the Form Fours. I kept on thinking the number fouls we made as I washed my legs. Then, all of us guys went to the class and changed.

As usual, we had some boring activities after recess.The only ones who were exempted from this were the prefects who were practising their dance. Karl and I wanted to skip the damn event and ended up lepaking in class.

He then told me how bitchy Jasmeet had been when he passed by the class the prefects were using to practise their dance. She had shut the door as he passed by, assuming he wanted to enter that class.

So thats when we decided to play a little prank on them. I then took out the handle of the dustpan and jammed into the door of the prefects class. Those losers couldn't come out until Puan Azira helped them.

Peace out niggas, am gonna play Sudden Attack now (its so addictive)

Before I end this post I'd like to say that I've got nothing against Jasmeet. But when shes in her prefect uniform, she becomes my least favorite friend.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Cheap Daddy Learns His Lesson

Cheap? The question isn't whether your cheap or not. Its how cheap you are because everyones a freakin cheap.

Heck, even I was born into a cheap family. To be honest, my dads the only cheapskate in the family. Like most Chinese, he likes being 'thrifty'.

This story starts when I wanted to buy a PSP. So I went to Digital Mall, Low Yat and lots more techno. malls to compare the prices. The average price I got was RM 650 but some dealers offered RM 550.

After a month of PSP hunting, I finally asked my dad to by the PSP at Kota Raya. The PSP there was sold at RM 500 only. But all my dad said was," Wait for another month for the price to drop down."

Wait another month I did and thats when the bad news came. SONY LAUNCHED THE NEW PSP 3000!!! To increase sales, they even decided to stop producing of PSP 2000 (the one I wanted).

No one wanted to buy the new PSP cause the games weren't cracked. Only EXPENSIVE original games were sold. So everyone wanted to buy the PSP 2000 as it could play fake games.

Because of the low supply and high demand, the price of PSP 2000 went sky high. Most shops sold it for 1400 bucks. When my dad knew bout this he said," We have to buy your PSP. Quickly."

I went PSP hunting (AGAIN). In Low Yat, I was lucky to find this guy who sold it for 1100 bucks with lots of free goodies. Instantly my dad took out his money and paid the guy.

Hopefully my dad has learnt his lesson on being cheap.

Peace out

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

This Is It

I went for This Is It today with my cousins. Oh wait, before that I wanna talk about school. As usual nothing much happened today.

Broke a few fingers while playing basketball. We got owned by the form 4s who had 4 players less (half of our team). Saw The Forbidden Kingdom too. It was one of the best movies I had ever seen. It was quite funny too.

After school I followed my cousins to see MJ's This Is It. Although the documentary was great, only 23 people were in the cinema. And Abi freakin annoying me by singing while tho show was on.

Then went to Abi's pad. Lost 3 games in a row to him in FIFA 10 by 1 goal. So I challenged him in Pro Evo and won all the matches. Haha.

3 hikers were caught by natives of a mountain. The chief of the tribe commanded them to get 10 fruits and come back to the village.

The 1st hiker brought back mangoes. The chief told him to swallow all of the mangoes without showing any expressions or the hiker would be killed. He managed to swallow 3 fruits and then he choked and died.

The 2nd hiker brought back berries. The chief told him the same thing. He manages to swallow 8 berries and he was killed.

The 1st hiker asks the 2nd hiker in heaven," Why did u die? I thought you brought back berries." The 2nd hiker says," I saw the other guy bring back durians and I started laughing."

Peace out niggas.

Monday, November 9, 2009

My "Out Of The House" Trip

Am damn happy today. Why? Well because I was able to reformat my laptop last night and I managed to download Wolf Team this morning. After a week, I could FINALLY play the game.

I also played Sudden Attack this afternoon. My God, the game has rubbish graphics. Don't know why lots people waste their time playing this game.

Oh ya, got my watch tightened today. That Chinese watch lady who tightened my watch was damn bloody... dam bloody... well she wasn't nice. I asked the price of a watch (for fun) AFTER she had tightened mine and the lady didn't even bother to answer. I think she knew I wouldn't buy the watch. But shes supposed to tell the price rite, cuz i'm a possible customer.

Then I went to Mcd's cause Shweta wanted a McDeluxe. As I was entering the restaurant, I noticed 2 funny things. 1: the lights of a Kancil which was parked was on. 2: Some dumb fuck left his motorbike keys in his motorbike

Dats all for now

Peace out

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Blog Review

This will be the only post where i rate my friends blogs:

Bryan's blog: This guy dude has got an awesome template. He inserts pics to make the blog interesting. And a lively cbox

Gav's blog: Probably the funniest blog ever. And he writes exactly the way he speaks which makes the blog better. The sad thing is he hasn't updated his blog in 7 days. Haiz

Sarah's blog: She writes superbly and has a nice template. Probably my no.2 favorite blog. Sadly she has the same problem with Gav: she rarely updates her blog

Shannon's blog: The first blog I read. Her writing skills are fantastic and her posts are interesting

Well thats that for now

Peace out

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Asthika's Party

Just came back from asthika's party. It was extremely tiring and very fun.

The party started at around 5.30 but Borat, Parv and I reached there at 6. For once I arrived early.

Anyway, at first it was just akward looking at Shipren, Divyaa and Yagenevi and doing nothing. Then, the other guests started arriving (thank God). The first thing we did was play water fight. Most of the dumb-asses forgot to a spare change of clothes but everyone played.

As usual, we had a typical boys versus girls match. The game started in asthika's porch but soon went on to the whole road. Since we, the guys, finished our water balloons extremely fast, we had no choice but to fill a bucket with water and take some rubber bands and plastic bags to the streets.

The girls who were lucky got to fill their plastic bags from a hose. Their base was asthika's porch but ours was rather 'mobile'. We had to take the bucket of water EVERYWHERE. There was this time when Gav THOUGHT he had scared Anisha. She ran away from him as he chased her with his hands filled with water balloons. When he reached the corner, Asthika and Ashleen ambushed him. The poor guy was soaking head to toe.

After 45 minutes of fun, we had dinner. Asthika herself made mee-hoon, nuggets and fries while Ashleen brought fried rice. That was when Roshini, Palvina and this midget (don't know her) entered her house. We had a good discussion and Gav even admitted that he watches porn. Then dumb Weng said," I've got 9 maids... 1 for each day of the week." Everyone was laughin hysterically.

Then we played this game which I didn't really understand. All I know is Andrew and Bryan emerged as champions.

The next game we played was Truth or Dare. Many whacky things happened here. Weng kissed me on the cheek. I had to hug Andrew and Gav called Sarah and told her that he loved her. The girls did some crazy stuff too... Anisha spanked herself. Palvina licked her hand. Speaking of licking, Weng licked his armpits when it wasn't even his turn.

Thats then end of todays post
Peace out niggas

Friday, November 6, 2009

A Day At Koshla's Place

This incident happened about 2-3 months ago. Koshla invited a few of us to play squash at her condominium. Yugan and Asthika said they couldn't make it, so I told Koshla I wouldn't come. She seemed a bit ticked off at that moment, so I decided otherwise.

When I reached her place at about 3 pm, I saw Asthika there. The 2 of them wanted to just walk around the condo doing nothing. I reminded Koshla that the purpose of this day was to play squash, not to lepak. We had a good match, but she was gave me lots of chances.

Suddenly this Indian boy just shows up and challenges Koshla to a squash match. She accepted his challenge which kinda pissed me off. So felling left out, I asked Asthika to follow me to the gym. Once there, I started on the treadmill like there was no tomorrow.

Then, this old dude walks in and just as he's about to start exercising, he notices me on the treadmill. And he says," Young man, you're not fit. And you're not using the treadmill properly, Reduce the speed." Asthika started laughing like hell. Then he tells me to count each step I take.

I was getting freaked out. He makes it worse by saying," I can't hear you." So, I actually start counting LOUDLY. And when I reached 200, he tells me to increase the speed by 0.1 which was extremely insulting. After 30 long minutes, he decides to leave and tells me to come down to the gym everyday (maybe because he thought I actually live there) and to not go above 3.4 (speed) when using the treadmill.

Two months later, Koshla tells me that old man forced one of the female guards to strip for him. The poor girl soon quit her job. I know it was a sad incident but I couldn't help but feel happy. I was convinced that the guy was deranged and that his view on my fitness was bullshit. She also said that sex addict 3 wives. WTF MAN

Peace out

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Goal Keeper or Offensive? Both 4 Me

Went for my sister's Graduation Day today. Its kinda dumb because they haven't sat for their SPM but they've graduated. Retarded rite... well thats SMKBB for you.

Back to the event, it was held in this awesome place in Persiaran Bukit Kiara. There was this performance by some hot babes (actually only 2 out of 3 of them were hot). One of the babes kept on doing splits like it didn't hurt.

And something shocking happened, the Minister of Wilayah Persekutuan actually attended this event. The food was good considering the that fact you had to be one of the first 50 to get there to actually eat. Some of the parents only got to drink, while others ate like pigs. And Bryan almost tricked me into entering the ladies toilet...ALMOST

After the Graduation, I went to play futsal with the guys and Anisha. Tharoo was there too. And some blind people were waiting outside the court and their coaches were in the court... while we were freaking playing!!!

I wanted to play as the goalie. And I'm not your typical goal keeper. When the opportunity arises (which happens most of the time) I would run out of the goal post and try to score. This made the other team score lost of times. But it was probably the funnest time I've played futsal. I think I'll just be goalie from now on.

Peace out

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Best Thing Bryan Did

Firstly, I wanna thank Bryan for giving me something to post about... This tale starts on a sunny day in the auditorium of my beloved-fucked-up school, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Bukit Bandaraya.

Bryan: Hi Kishore
Kishore, being his usual self : You blady faaaahk... You blady sheeeet (i think he meant shit)
Bryan: You asshole... Your birth cert is an apology letter from the condom company

Then Bryan got his ass whooped, but who cares. It was probably the best joke I've ever heard.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Galah Panjang

My younger cousins came over today. As usual I played PS2 with Abi until we got bored. His sis on the other was... well i'm not too sure what she was doing. You might think i'm a mean cousin but girls DON'T play FIFA 10.

We wanted to down and play soccer until I realized something... Football was no longer allowed to be played in the condominium ever since one of my screwed up neighbors made a complaint. So we could only play lame old Badminton.

Half way through and Nora akka (my kakak\maid) joins us. Then my cuz suggested we play Galah Panjang. I thought it was some kinda of childish, lame game. Well I was proved otherwise.

The game was just like catching. The only difference everyone is split into 2 teams and the game must either be played in a badminton court or any place with lines. The attacking team would try to go from one end of the court to the other end and all the way back WITHOUT being touched by a member of the defending team.

The Defenders on the other hand have to try and touch\catch the Attackers. Heres the tricky part, the Defenders can only walk on the lines of the court. Meanwhile, the Attackers can run anywhere as long as they run in the court..

Sounds fun, right... but the sad thing is my mom called us back after 20 minutes. Haizz... But it was a good 20 minutes. So the next time you go to a badminton court, think about Galah Panjang or at least think about me :)

Btw, this kid reminds me of me when I was younger

Peace out niggas

Monday, November 2, 2009

Funny Bangla

Hartamas Square, a place I laugh when it crosses my mind. Ya it might sound dumb, laughing at a place. Well heres the real reason..

It all started one Sunday morning (it might not have been a Sunday or morning, but hey i'm trying to make it interesting). Anyway, me and my siblings decided to try out this place called Hartamas Square. My sis had heard a lot about the place.

Anyone who has been there would know the place is a food court. You can get pizzas, mee and even chicken chops in the place. What struck out the most was the dim sum stall (I'm lying again... That stall was like a bloody run down hut)

Being a dim sum lover, I ordered a plate of pork balls. After eating, the waiter came to collect the plate and the cash. I asked him how much it was and he said,"Pour dollars." I didn't understand so asked him again but his answered remained the same " Pour dollars". Then it struck me that the guy meant 4 dollars. So, I asked my dad to pay the waiter 4 bucks. My dad, being a joker, told the guy "Pour dollars, yes". And the guy said something that cracked me up " Yes sarr, Pour dollars".

All of us were laughing like crazy except for the waiter. We paid the poor guy 5 bucks for the entertainment.

Peace out

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The 'Awesome' System In My School

I'm gonna tell a story of the similarities of two girls in my school, Ummi (Form 5) and Lidya (form 3). But before i start I wanna say that I have nothing against these 2 girls. In fact I kinda like Lidya except when shes bossy.

Fact number 1: Both of them have mothers who work in SMKBB.

Fact number 2: Both are prefects

Fact number 3: During their form 2 - form 3 term, they were AJK Disiplin.

Fact number 4: In Ummi's form 3 - form 4 term, she became the EXCO Disiplin. Currently, the post is being held by... yes you said it... Lidya

See how much these 2 have in common. Wait, theres more. During Ummi's last term, she became the Ketua Pengawas. Now I'm gonna guess and say that Lidya will be SMKBB's next Ketua Pengawas.

With this kind of BIAS system, no wonder why the prefectorial board sucks. Again, I have nothing against Ummi and Lidya and even the other prefects. I just hate you as a whole :p.

Peace out

Pissing off chinese babes

Well today or rather last night I..... Oh wait, before I start I'd like to thank Gav for welcoming me to blogspot on his blog. You rock my man.

Now back to the post, i went jeans shopping in Pertama Complex. The first place I went was Blue Heaven which was filled with over-priced jeans And since none of them suited me, I left the bloody place.

Then I decided to go to Levis. Being branded and all I expected the jeans to be... nice. After trying on 6 jeans which weren't my type, I decided to leave. Thats when the chinese workers started to "Oii!!! Oii!!!" me. Bloody whores wei.

I also heard there was a CLS (for those of you who don't know what CLS is, its the brand of my phone) service centre there. I wanted to change my cracked screen cause well it was CRACKED. Guess how much I was charged... 90 bucks. Tried to haggle the price but the lady (again a Chinese) was presistant. She also got annoyed which annoyed me, so while one guy was fixing the phone, I nicked a memory card reader. And the best part was, no one realized.... HAHAHA

Peace out niggas

Friday, October 30, 2009

Parents, don't lie to your kids

It might not be obvious but parents always bullshit to their kids. The most common one is the existence of Santa Claus. Hell some parents tell their kids that Superman's alive.

Well my dad was a bit crafty about lying. He told me that Sikh (bayis) wear turbans to hide knives. For those who think its real, let me tell you know that its FALSE!!! And i learnt it the hard way......

When i went to Villamaria, there used to be this Punjabi guy, Kabhir who was in my van. And well he wore a turban. So, i told a few guys in the van about the bayi tale and how they hide knives in their turbans. We thought he was too dangerous and we decided to take the knife out of his turban. Naturally, i ripped of the turban and the poor guy started crying. And guess what i found (besides hair) .... NOTHING.

Being disappointed with not finding a knife, i told this to my dad as soon as i reached home and he started laughing. Haizz

Till today my family members still laugh about it

Peace out

Thursday, October 29, 2009

1st Post

Hey kids....
Finally decided to start bloggin after some 'motivation' from Gav. And this blog will be about things that I find interesting in my life. Maybe a few posts bout daily updates. So if you guys think its gonna be lame or un-interesting, well then just suck ****, never mind. Bottom line is just keep viewing to keep this man/boy blogging